This shipping policy outlines the terms and conditions related to the physical delivery of items ordered from the Order Processing Time to Delivery.
All orders are processed within the time mentioned while placing the order, after receiving your order confirmation and successful completion of payment.
You will receive a notification when your order is shipped.
This shipping policy applies to specific products that are eligible for physical delivery in the menu.
This shipping policy is applicable for all Aryan Family’s Delight Outlets across India.
Delivery time taken is approximately 30-60 minutes after the food is ordered:
- Estimated time and actual delivery time may vary, depending on circumstances and unforeseen reasons.
- There might be potential delays due to a high volume of orders or problems that are outside of our control.
- Tracking Information is available from the time of delivery is picked up and delivered to the customer.
Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.
- Any associated shipping fees charged by the partner app will be displayed at checkout.
If you order through delivery partners or carriers, the shipping policy of the delivery partners/carriers is applicable.
- Order is confirmed only on successful completion of payment with relevant delivery details. A confirmation message is sent to the customer on a successful order.
- It is important for the customer to mention their accurate and up-to-date address information along with the nearest landmark.
- If the address is not provided correctly, the order stands canceled.
In the event if the products delivered are damaged during shipping, a process of returns and refunds are outlined. A separate policy is defined and associated fees or conditions will be communicated.
Customers can contact our outlet for any delivery related inquiries as applicable at the mentioned contact details as part of the order tracking system.
This shipping policy may be subject to change. Customers will be notified of any updates, and the latest version will be made available on our website from time to time.